George Grubbs
Harlan Daily Enterprise
Feb 1950
George Grubbs Passes Away At 103
Cawood Man Was Farmer And Logger
George Grubbs, one of the oldest men in Kentucky, died last night at 11 p.m. at the age of 103. He was born January 25, 1847 in Ocoonita, Va., and at the age of 20 came to Crummie Creek.
He was residing at Cawood on Little Creek at the time of his death.
He was a farmer and logger.
Those who knew him said he planned to plant a spring garden. He also was reported to have been an excellent sqiarrel hunter past the age of 80 and that he never wore glasses.
Survivors: children, Ben, T. G., Emily, Lewis, Henry, John, Jane, Blane, Elizabeth, Betty, all of Cawood; 52 grand children and 43 great grand children.
He was the husband of the late Nannie Grubbs.
He has one surviving brother, Henderson Grubbs of Clay County, who is 91 years old.
Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Sunday at his home with the Revs. Edward Bray and Monroe Hill in charge. Burial will follow at the family cemetery at Crummies Creek.